LHADCOP Longwoods Healthcare Acronym Dictionary for Canadian Organizations and Programs**
(If you have any additions, corrections or other changes please add comments.
See the link at the bottom of the list. Thanks. We will use this to update the master list located here.)
1. AAHP Association of Allied Health Professionals
2. AAP Attendance Awareness Program
3. ABI Acquired Brain Injury
4. ACAHO Association of Canadian Academic Healthcare Organizations
5. ACCP Association of Casualty Care Personnel
6. ACGIH American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists
7. ACH Acute Care Hospitals
9. ACIP Ambulatory Care Initiative Payment
10. ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support
11. ACMOH Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health
12. ACPEWC Actual Cost Per Equivalent Weighted Case
13. ACTH Association of Canadian Teaching Hospitals
14. ACW Ambulatory Care Weights
15. ADM Assistant Deputy Minister
16. ADM Assistant Deputy Minister
17. ADPCO Association of Discharge Planners Coordinators of
18. ADT Admissions Discharge Transfer system
19. AFA Alternative Financing Arrangements
20. AFP Alternate Financing and Procurement
21. AFP’s Alternative Funding Plans
22. AHA
23. AHHRMO Association of Healthcare Human Resources Managers of
24. AHQ Association of the Hospitals of
25. AHSCs Academic Health Science Centres
26. ALC Alternate Level Care
27. ALC Alternative Level of Care
28. ALOS Acute Length of Stay
29. ALPHA Association of Local Public Health Agencies
30. alPHa Association of Local Public Health Agencies
31. AMA American Medical Association
32. AMO Association of Municipalities of
33. AODA Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
34. AOHC Association of
35. APP Alternate Payment Plan
36. ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
37. AWOL Absence Without Leave
38. BBP Balanced Budget Plan
39. BCLS Basic Cardiac Life Support
40. BLG Borden Ladner Gervais, LLP
41. BOND Business Oriented New Development
42. BOT Back Office Transformation
43. BPAC Benefit Plans Advisory Committee
44. BRAT Bioterrorism Response Advisory Team
45. BTP Breakthrough Pain
46. CADTH Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
47. CAEP Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
48. CAER Community Awareness Emergency Response
49. CAHO Council of Academic Hospitals of
50. CAMH Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
51. CARE Cholesterol And Recurrent Events Study
52. CAT SCAN Computerized Axial Tomography Scanner
53. CAW Canadian Auto Workers
54. CAW Canadian Auto Workers
55. CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear
56. CBRN Chemical/Bio/Radiological/Nuclear
57. CCAC Community Care Access Centre
58. CCC Complex Continuing Care
59. CCEP Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness
60. CCH Chronic Care Hospitals
61. CCHA Canadian Council on Hospital Accreditation
62. CCHFA Canadian Council on Health Facilities Accreditation
63. CCHG Chairman's Committee on Hospital Governance (OHA)
64. CCHSA Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation
66. CCO Cancer Care
67. CCU Critical Care Unit
68. CDA Canadian Diabetic Association
69. CDC Center for Disease Control (
70. CDN Canadian
71. CEEP Centre of Excellence in Emergency Preparedness
72. CEO Chief Executive Officer
73. CFO Chief Financial Officer
74. CGSB Canadian General Standards Board (Gov. of
75. CHA Canadian Healthcare Association
76. CHAC Catholic Health Association of
77. CHC Community Health Centre
78. CHCO Catholic Health Corporation of
79. CHE Certified Health Executive
80. CHES Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society
81. CHI
82. CHIMA Canadian Health Information Management Association
83. CHO Comprehensive Health Organization
84. CHSC Certified Health & Safety Consultant
85. CICA Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants: Standards of reporting
86. CIH Certified Industrial Hygienist (
87. CIHI Canadian Institute for Health Information
88. CMA Canadian Medical Association
89. CMC Canadian Management Centre (Partner for on-line learning)
90. CME Continuing Medical Education
91. CMG Case Mix Group
93. CMOH Chief Medical Officer of Health
95. CNE Chief Nursing Executive
96. CNO Chief Nursing Officer
97. CNO
99. COMSOC Ministry of Community and Social Services
100. COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
101. COS Chief of Staff
102. COSHA Caregivers of
103. CPI Central Patient Index
104. CPSI Canadian Patient Safety Institute
105. CPSO College of Physicians and Surgeons of
106. CPSO College of Physicians and Surgeons of
107. CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
108. CRSP Canadian Registered Safety Professionals
109. CSHP Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists
110. CSSE Canadian Society of Safety Engineering
111. CTAS Canadian Triage Acuity Scale
112. CUOE Canadian
113. CUPE Canadian
114. D/C Discharge
115. DAD Discharge Abstract Database
116. DC Day Care
117. DCA Delegated Controlled Act
118. DCMS Disability Claims Management Services (now called OHMS)
119. DHC District Health Council
120. DI Diagnostic Imaging
121. DM Deputy Minister
122. DME Diagnostic & Medical Equipment
123. DRG Diagnosis Related Group
124. DSC Diagnostic Services Committee (OHA/OMA/MOHLTC)
125. EAP Employee Assistance Program
126. ECG Echocardiogram
127. ECO Emergency Coordination Centre
128. ECPEWC Expected Cost Per Equivalent Weighted Case
129. EDCDP Emergency Department Coverage Demonstration Program
130. ED-GIM Emergency Department – General Internal Medicine
131. EDOC Emergency Department Overcrowding Committee
132. EEGAP Expert Employee Group Advisory Panel
133. EHC Extended Health Coverage
134. EHR Electronic Health Record
135. ELD CAP Beds “Elderly Capital Assistance Program” Beds
136. EMAT [
138. EMU Emergency Management Unit
139. EOC Emergency Operations Centre
140. TEOC
141. ER Emergency Room
142. ESA Employment Standards Act
143. FCCHSE Fellow of the
144. FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities
145. FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency (
146. FIPPA Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
147. FOI Freedom of Information
148. FRI Febrile Respiratory Illness
149. FTE Full Time Equivalent
150. GTAA Greater Toronto Airports Authority
151. GUSTO Global Utilization of Streptokinase and tPA for Occluded Coronary Arteries
152. H5N1 Flu strain affecting poultry stocks
153. HAAO Hospital Auxiliaries Association of
154. HAAs Hospital Accountability Agreements
155. HAPS Hospital Annual Planning Submissions
156. Hazmat Hazardous Materials
157. HBAM Health Based Allocation Model (LHIN funding formula)
158. HCA Hospital Corporations of
159. HCHSA Health Care Health and Safety Association
160. HCHSA
161. HCOHSA Health Care Occupational Health and Safety Association
162. HCP Healthcare Papers (journal)
163. HCPRA Health Care Public Relations Association
164. HCRSA Hospital Community Respiratory Services
165. HCW Health Care Workers
166. HEICS The Hospital Emergency Incident Command System
167. HELP Hospital Employees' Liaison Panel
168. HEMC Health Emergency Management Committee
169. HERS Hospital Employee Relations Services
170. HERS Hospital Employee Relations Services (OHA)
171. HERT Hospital Emergency Response Training
172. HETF Hospital Efficiency Task Force
173. HFA Home for the Aged
174. HHES Healthy Hospital Employee Survey
175. HHI Healthy Hospital Initiative
176. HHR Health Human Resources
177. HIMSS Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society
178. HIRF Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund
179. HIROC Hospital Insurance Reciprocal of
180. HIS Hospital Information System
181. HLDAA Hospital Labour Disputes Arbitration Act
182. HMMS Healthcare Materials Management Services
183. HMO Health Maintenance Organization
184. HMRI Hospital Medical Records Institute
185. HOCFA Hospital On-Call Funding Agreement
186. HOODIP Hospitals Of
187. HOOGLIP Hospitals Of Ontario Group Life Insurance Plan
188. HOOPP Hospitals of
189. HOOVLIP Hospital of
190. HPARB Health Professions Appeal and Review Board
191. HPLR Health Professions Legislation Review
192. HP Hewlett Packer
193. HP Healthcare Policy (journal)
194. HPP Hospital Purchasing Program
195. HPPA Health Protection and Promotion Act
196. HPRAC Health Profession Regulatory Advisory Council
197. HRC Human Resource Committee (OHA)
198. HRDC Human Resources Development
199. HRT Health Results Team
200. H-SAA Hospital Service Accountability Agreement (replacing the HAA)
201. HSAC Health & Safety Advisory Committee
202. HSIA Health Systems Improvement Act
203. HSMR Hospital Standardized Mortality Rate
204. HSO Health Service Organization
205. HSRC Health Services Restructuring Commission
206. HSTAP Health Sector Training and Adjustment Program
207. HQ Healthcare Quarterly
208. IAA Interim Accountability Agreement
209. IAPA Industrial Accident Prevention Association
210. ICD-10 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
211. ICES Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in
212. ICES International Credential Evaluation Service
213. ICU Intensive Care Unit
214. IHI Institute of Healthcare Improvement
215. IHSP Integrated Health Service Plan
217. IMG International Medical Graduate
218. IML Investment Management Limited (OHA)
219. IMS Incident Management System
220. IPBA Integrated Population Based Allocation
221. IPC Information and Privacy Commissioner/
223. ISMP Institute for Safe Medication Practices
224. ISRM Information Systems and Record Management
225. IT Information Technology
226. IUOE International
227. JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association
228. JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
229. JEPP Joint Emergency Preparedness Program
230. JHSC Joint Health and Safety Committee
231. JILMC Joint Industry Labour/Management Council
232. JPPC Joint Policy and Planning Committee
233. LHIN Local Health Integration Network
234. LHINs Local Health Integration Networks
235. LHSIA Local Health System Integration Act
236. LL&L Leadership Lunch and Learn
237. LOS Length Of Stay
238. LTC Long-term care
239. LTD Long-Term Disability
240. LWBS Left Without Being Seen
241. MAC Medical Advisory Committee
242. MARS *
243. MCI Mass Casualty Incidents
244. MCSCS Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
245. MD Medical Doctor
246. MIS Management Information System
247. MIS Management Information Systems (National)
248. MMWR Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report
249. MOHLTC Ministry Of Health and Long Term Care
250. MORE Multi Organ Retrieval Exchange
251. MOW Meals On Wheels
252. MPIR Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Renewal
253. MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
254. MRI Ministry of Research and Innovation
255. MRP Most Responsible Physician
256. MSA Multi Service Agencies
257. MSD Muskoskeletal Disorders
258. MTCU Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
259. MTS Medical Transport Service
260. MYF Multi-Year Funding
261. NAC Nursing Advisory Committee
262. NACRS National Ambulatory Care Reporting System
263. Naylor Committee The Ntl Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health
264. NEAT Non-Emergency Ambulance Transportation
265. NEER New Experimental Experience Rating
266. NEJM
267. NFPA National Fire Protection Association
268. NH Nursing Homes
269. NIF New Initiatives Fund
270. NIH National Institutes of Health
271. NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Health & Safety
272. NISS Nursing Information System –
273. NL Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership
274. NRP Neonatal Resuscitation Program
275. NRP National Response Plan
277. OACRS Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services
278. OAML
280. OAOA
281. OAR
282. OARNA
283. OBS Obstetrics
284. OBSP
285. OCCI
286. OCDM
287. OCFP
288. OCHU
289. OCIPEP Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness
290. OCOTH
291. OCSA
292. OCW
293. ODA
294. ODB
295. OH&S Occupational Health and Safety
296. OHA
297. OHEN
298. OHHA
299. OHHCPA Ontario Home Health Care Providers’ Association
300. OHIMA
301. OHIP
302. OHMS Organizational Health Management Services
303. OHPA
304. OHPIP
305. OHRS
306. OHS Occupational Health Services
307. OHTAC
308. OLIS
309. OLTCA
310. OMA
311. OMHRS
312. ONA
313. ONTLA
314. OPA
315. OPS Operation Planning Committee
316. OPSEU
317. OR Operating Room
318. ORLSP
319. ORNGE
320. OSACH
321. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (
322. OT Occupational Therapy
323. OWHC Ontario Women’s Health Council
324. PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System
325. PACU Post Anesthetic Care Unit
326. PAIRO Professional Association of Interns and Residents of
327. PAR Problem Analysis Report
328. PAVRO Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resources of
329. PEP Provincial Emergency Plan
330. PHA Public Hospitals Act
331. PHCC OHA/OMA/Ministry’s Physician Hospital Care Committee
332. PHCC
333. PHHRS Provincial Health Human Resources Strategy Unit
334. PHHRSAG Provincial Health Human Resources Strategic Advisory Group
335. PHIPA Personal Health Information Protection Act
336. PHRP Physician-Hospital Relationship Project
337. PHRWG Physician Hospital Relationship Working Group
338. PIDAC Provincial Infections Diseases Advisory Committee
339. PIPEDA Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
340. PIR Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal
341. PISC Pandemic Influenza Supply Chain
342. PPA Policy and Public Affairs
343. PS&CB Patient Safety & Clinical Best Practices
344. PSAC Public Service
345. PSAG Patient Safety Advisory Group
346. PSLRTA Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act
347. PT Physiotherapy
348. PTAC Patient Transfer Authorization Centre
349. QA Quality Assurance
350. QCIPA Toolkit Quality of Care Information Protection Act Toolkit
351. QCIPA Quality of Care Information Protection Act
352. QCIPA Quality of Care Information Protection Act
353. QMP-LS Quality Management Program – Laboratory Services
354. QRP Quick Response Program
355. RCEC Regional Council Executive Committee
356. RECU Rehabilitation Extended Care Unit
357. RFP Request For Proposal
358. RFQ Request for Qualifications
359. RGHPI OHA Reference Group on Hospital Physician Issues
360. RGP Regional Geriatric Program
361. RHPA Regulated Health Professions Act
362. RIS Radiology Information System
363. RIW Resource Intensity Weight
364. RIW Resource Intensity Weights
365. RM Risk Management
366. RN Registered Nurse
367. RNAO Registered Nurses’ Association of
368. RNPAO Registered Practical Nurses Association of
369. ROH and ROHT Registered Occupational Hygienist (Technician) (
370. ROMA Rural
371. RPN Registered Practical Nurse
372. RT Respiratory Therapy
373. RTW Return to Work
374. SAA Service Accountability Agreement
375. SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
376. SCFEA Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
377. SDM Substitute Decision Maker
378. SEIU Service Employees’ International
379. SEMD Safety Engineered Medical Devices
380. SEMS Safety Engineered Medical Sharps
381. SHoPSS Standardized Hospital Patient Satisfaction Survey
382. SHPAG Small Hospitals Provincial Advisory Committee
383. SHRM Strategic Human Resources Management
384. SLP Speech Language Pathology
385. SMC Senior Management Committee
386. SRN Small, Rural and Northern Hospitals
387. STD Short-Term Disability
388. STEMI Program ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Program
389. SUMED Single-use medical device
390. SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
391. TASHN Toronto Academic Science Health Network (formally TAHSC)
392. TCF The Change Foundation
393. TEMP Toronto Emergency Measures Planning Committee ( also TMPC)
394. TEOC
395. TIMT Toronto Institute of Medical Technology
396. TML Toronto Medical Laboratories (a private-public partnership)
397. TPD Therapeutic Products Directorate
398. TQM Total Quality Management
399. TVHPP
400. UAP Underserviced Area Program
401. UM Utilization Management
402. VA Veterans Affairs
403. VCC Volunteer Chaplain Coordinator
404. VON Victorian Order of Nurses
405. VORs Vendor Of Records
406. WTSAC Wait-Time Strategy Advisory Committee
407. WCB Workers' Compensation Board
408. WCDM World Conference on Disaster Management
409. WERS Web Enabled Reporting System
410. WGH
411. WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
412. WHO World Health Organization
413. WSIB Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
414. WTIS Wait Time Information System
415. WTS Average Length Of Stay
*MaRS is not an acronym. Their web site says: It was originally a file name and the words "Medical and Related Sciences" were later attributed to it. Since we promote the convergence of a full range of science and technology disciplines, we've dropped “Medical and Related Sciences” from our name and we’re back to just “MaRS”.
** Longwoods provides no assurances that this list is complete or accurate. But we are working on it. Please submit additions and corrections to Chale (at) longwoods.com
Compiled from existing materials and dubious sources on
Updated (to be noted)